
Monday, 1 July 2013

Crafty button box frame

Hello my lovers,

Well here we are one more monday evening and I finally have some time in my hands to share a crafty HOW TO post with you;

 Today's how to is fairly simple awfully easy but not everyone thinks about it.... and now that the summer school holidays are almost here you can even do it with your wee (little) ones :), all you need is a box frame, a lot of buttons, some felt but tha'ts actually optional and some patterned paper, hot glue or multi purpose fabric glue like fabritac for example... + you'll need to decide on wkat you want your picture to be and if you want to paint the frame or not ;) EASY !!!!!!!!!!

How To:

1st paint the frame and let it dry

2nd cut a felt shape ( or make the drawing directly on the patterned paper)

3rd glue the buttons onto the shape and let it dry.

4th place the shape onto the chosen patterned paper and then on the frame.

That's it really, could it be any easier?!!!

I would love to see what you've done so feel free to share on our facebook page Lili's handmade crafts.

see you all soon xxxxxxxxxxxx