
Monday, 21 November 2011

And NOWWW on Facebook yeihhhh

Hi my wackys, just thought I could drop in and let you huys know that you can find me on Facebook as well has Etsy yeihhhh

Another Monday, is it just me or the maijority of people just haaates mondays; fortunately to me its not my case Thursdays however are entirely different case... go figures but everything tends to go wrong.

Today ohhh what am I going to do today, I feel a bit lost to be honest, I don't actually feel like doing anything but I know that I should start practicing for my workshop, its my first one and I'm a bit nervous to be honest, the date is set and the projects that I was requested to "exemplify" and "explain" to the best of my knowledge ( - I don't like to say teaching or tutoring 1stly because I'm obviously not a teatcher nor a tutor) - is making my famous hair clips and because christmas is almost here some small felt Christmas Stockings; So the Workshop will be on the 7th of December at St. Mary's Cathedral School from 9.15 am 'till 11.30am.

 So just to give you guys a little taster, and perhaps persuade you to come ( Who Knows?! I would really love that ) here's some pics.

 So here's the links, and you can have a look at some of the things we can make and that you can personalise and order :!/pages/Lilis-handmade-crafts/222122387856497

See you soon my wackys

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Etsy shop :)

Hi you all!!

 Hope you're enjoying this magical sunday. I don't usually hear/see the news it gets me a bit depressed you know,  the news seem to be always the same and on top of that is almost always bad news... Oh please give me a break, can't you guys Talk about the good things too, like someone beating Cancer , or winning the lottery, or for example how people come together when a child or a family needs help, now wouldn't that be better, wouldn't that make us think that there is still hope for humanity :), that not everything is lost ...

Anyway I was watching the BBC News, well not watching really just hearing it cause I was cleaning my little "palace" so what I heard was recession, recession recession..... right, but how come when you go to the shops down here they're always and I really mean allwaaayyss Full its Ques here and ques there... RECESSION you say?! hummmm it makes you think abou it doesn't it.

 Anyway recession or not I'm having a go at having an ETSY SHOP why not :)
 Its  all and made by yours truly, I still don't have much on it but I'll post more goodies there soon, but first I have to make them of course, some of my items can be personalised I just need you to inform me more or less what you want so that I can have an Idea.

 Anyway here's the link :

here's some pictures of what we're going to have in the shop, just a little taster really :)

See you soon my lovelies :)

Please note these are examples only anything can be changed has per your request, the images used were taken from the internet,

How to make Palmiers

Hi craftys how have you been?!
 It seems to me that the winter is reaaalllyyyy here now, the cold weather is almost unbearable, so what better way to warm up than to keep busy :) yeahp thought you'ld say that my wackys.
 So this week I managed and was very happy to go to my little one school and made some Palmiers with the kids, cause it was international week, Palmiers?!?! might you ask - yeap Palmiers are some heart shaped "cakes" that we can find in every patisserie in Portugal, oh I really do miss my country the food the weather the family, anyway just have to endure it I think...
so here's a picture on how to make them, and the after baking

To make this yammy cookies which are great with tea or coffee you only need Puff pastry, Sugar, and Icing sugar to dust the rolling pin and the surface, after doing the 1,2,3,4 process explained in the picture above you just need to preheat the oven at 200o and line the trays with baking/ greaseproof paper leave them for 15 mins. or until they are crispy golden and voila!!!!

Super easy!!!

See you soon xoxoxoxoxoxox

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Loom knitting + cake toppers link

Hey crafty's,

Its a bit late for posting yep I know that but I have a great reason to be doing this right now, 1stly because I'm training to stay awake until 5.30am so that when I start my shift at my new J O B has a data entry clerk hopefully I wont look like a zombie lololol ; its almost 3.30am here so I still have 2 and hours to go... 2ndly cause I just finished my 2nd loom knitting project today yap that's right I said KNITTING, loom knitting to be precise; My little princess is going to be 5 next week and I don't have much capital to buy her gifts if you know what I mean... anyway I figured that since she always love what I do be it toys, key rings, hair clips cakes etc. I thought that I could make her a hat and a scarf ( the days are getting veerryyyy cold anyway) and all made by mummy full of love just for her oh and I also made a cake topper to put on the cake I'm going to make for her :) I hope she likes it.

So what do you think about the cake topper?! Its sweet right... and I have great news for you, you my crafty wackys can order them from me, here's the link:

This one I made for Christmas has you can see. :)
do you like it?! I do....

Anyway back to loom knitting, follow this link and it will take you to a great tutorial, that helped me so much on making my first hat ....
not bad for a first timer if I can say so myself :D
hope you lot like it, and go loom kniting mad just like me XD

See you soon!!!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Workshop?! Yeihh

A very good morning to all my craftys.

Today I'm still not quite myself... yesterday when I took my little princess to school Mrs. G. that helps out at the school approached me and asked me if I would be interested in doing some workshops so that other parents and children could give wings to their imagination and work has a team, at the same time make something that they could give has presents to family and friends, things like that really.... What do you think I said?!  OBVIOUSLY I accepted it; 1stly because I love making things, 2ndly I love socialising, and in 3rd place its a challenge cause I've never done anything like that before and I love challenges...

Anyway the dates still need to be set, and you all are more than welcome to come so, if you leave in the Plymouth area the workshops will be given at St. Mary's Cathedral School, and I've decided to do Christmas tree decorations has my first child & parent friendly workshop. I'll post the dates soon and I will also post some photos of the projects done on the workshop :) ...

I'm so so happy, thank you very much to everyone at the school for giving me such an wonderful oportunity.

See you soon my wackys XD