
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Egg Puding

Hello everyone, well its been a while since I posted a recipe so here it goes, today and for you only my familys recipe of a lovely portuguese desserte "Egg Puding" hum.... so good!!!

4.5dl milk
5 eggs
220gr sugar
rind of 1 lemon
liquid caramel

spread the liquid caramel on a round mould with a hole in the middle if you have one with a lid that's perfect if not just put some foil on top. In a pan put the milk sugar and the lemon rind take it to the boil (don't forget to keep stirring it); when boiling remove from the heat... Preheat your oven to the max temperature that it allows you.  Now pour the mixture into another recipient and quickly add the eggs whisk it with your electric whisker and when it gets foamy pour it into the mould previously coated with the caramel top it with the foil and leave it in the oven in a bain marie for more or less 45 min. Let it cool down completely before you remove the mould and transfer it to a tray ..... Hope you guys like it has much has me and my family :)
                this one was made by my sweet husby, and lets just say if he can do it anyone can :)

See you soon you lot!!! xoxoxoxo

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